
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Neil Armstrong

Unfortunatly on the 25th of August an American Hero named Neil Armstrong died due to complications from his heart surgery.America mourns the loss of Neil Armstrong. He was given this role because he was the first person to land on the moon. As he was stepping out of his space rocket he said these words “One small step for man, One giant leap for mankind.

Neil Armstrong’s greatest achievement would have to be him landing on the moon and being the first in 1969. When he got back to earth they made him an American hero because of this. He took this role reluctantly which means he didn’t want to be a hero but they wanted him to be.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Smoking Is Bad

Smoking is not a good thing to do. It can kill you, it can affect your appearance, and is a waste of money. I'd advise everyone out there to never start smoking.

Smoking can cause you to die because of all the chemicals such as Benzene (Petrol Addictive) and Tar. Chemicals named carcinogens which can be found in cigarettes can cause all sorts of cancer. Smoking a lot of smokes can cause you to cough deeply. The worse is though that it can cause Lung cancer. Other problems include smoking can stop your blood from circulating properly which will give you heart problems.

Smoking can affect your appearance. It causes you to have bad breath, yellow nails and teeth. Those things will affect your social life because no one will want to talk to you. They won't want to hang around you when they are with some other mates.

 The price of smokes are 15-17$ a packet which is about 105$ a week and 410$ a month which I think is too expensive. If everyone brought a packet a day smoking manufacturers would have billions just from smokes. I don’t think people should buy smokes because all you are doing is wasting money of things that can kill you.  

So in conclusion my advice to you is not waste your money or your life on cigarettes.